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Over the past few years, organoid research and development has expanded tremendously; perhaps one of the best experts on the topic is Robert Vries, PhD, who contributed to the first-time published organoid technology in 2009.

As the CEO of Hubrecht Organoid Technology (HUB), a non-profit in the Netherlands, Dr. Vries offers an in-depth look at organoids, including how they are made, how they function, what they can offer in terms of diagnostic capability and drug discovery and development, and what the future holds for organoid technology in general.

Tune in to learn the details of all this and more, including:

  • Why mimicking a cancer tumor is virtually impossible without the use of adult stem cells
  • How organoid technology could change the gold standard in drug development and research in toxicology
  • How induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) differ from adult stem cells

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