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Many people see Western and Chinese medicine as being at complete odds with one another, but after over three decades of practicing them in conjunction and seeing an 85 percent success rate in alleviating her patient’s symptoms, Dr. Shiroko Sokitch disagrees. She began her career in medicine with the same goal as many other doctors: to save people’s lives. And despite having the chance to do that during her time as a surgical resident, Dr. Sokitch didn’t feel satisfied with the type of work she was doing, and she began wondering what other avenues she could take that would lead her to reach the same goals. Not long after, she was introduced to the world of acupuncture and Chinese medicine and found it so appealing that she left her surgical residency just two years in.

Since then, Dr. Sokitch has found a way to incorporate the best of both Western and Chinese medicine into her clinical care of patients. On today’s episode, she details aspects of Chinese medicine that many people may be unaware of, explains how public and professional perceptions of Chinese medicine have changed over the past several decades, points to the strengths and weaknesses inherent in each system of medicine, discusses the approach she takes with her own patients and the conditions she’s had the most success in treating, the ins and out of Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture as a tool for immediate pain relief, and so much more.

Tune in for this enlightening conversation and visit to learn more about Dr. Sokitch’s approach to medicine.

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