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Dr. Cheryl Burdette, ND, joins us to discuss the principles of naturopathic medicine and a few of the differences between traditional medicine and her practice. Dr. Burdette emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach and individualized treatment plan. This translates to the doctor spending enough time to collect a thorough (anywhere from 35-60 minutes) patient history, advising the patient on the best anti-inflammatory foods, and sending out blood work to screen for subtle biomarker abnormalities. This helps her look for patterns of misdiagnosed, under-diagnosed, or other indications of illness. After establishing a customized treatment and diet/exercise plan for the patient, Dr. Burdette makes sure to create a long-term follow-up schedule to help the patient achieve and maintain their optimum health. Don’t live in or near Atlanta? Progressive Medical offers telemedicine appointments and can advise you on resources in your area.

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