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While 3D bioprinting has been one of the latest and most talked about strategies in the generation of 3D structures, the team at the Stoppel Lab is doing something quite different: using the cocoons of silkworms to design a completely natural material that can be used to surgically repair injured or diseased tissues in the human body.

Whitney Stoppel, Ph.D. has brought her post-doctoral studies from Tufts University to the Stoppel Lab at the University of Florida, which opened its doors just a few months ago. She joins the discussion today to explain the biochemical engineering aspects of this work, the details of how this natural material is prepared and used, the most challenging problems to overcome, and how the acellularity of the material they’re designing will lend itself very well to the surgical environment, benefiting patients and surgeons alike.

Dr. Stoppel is a wealth of knowledge with a big task ahead of her. Don’t miss out on the full conversation, and stay up to date on the latest by visiting

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