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Eduard Willms, Postdoctoral Scientist, La Trobe University, Australia, discusses the types of extracellular vesicles (EVs), the role of extracellular vesicles, and the research that could provide new avenues for efficient drug and therapeutic delivery.

Willms earned his BSc in Pharmacy and DPhil in Physiology, and has been actively researching EV heterogeneity in his quest to better understand the intricate roles of different types of EVs released by cells, and the ways EVs can be utilized. Willms discusses his early study of exosomes, which are membrane bound extracellular vesicles produced in the endosomal compartment of most eukaryotic cells.

The research scientist explains cellular communication, considering thoughts on hormones and neurotransmitters, etc., and he provides an overview of his fascination with extracellular vesicle heterogeneity. Much of his research poses the question: what kind of vesicle is able to gain entry into a cell and deliver messages? Willms explains how the systems work, and how can EVs be utilized to deliver drugs or therapeutics into cells. And as Willms states, it’s important to grasp which kinds of vesicles may be successful in the delivery of these important messages, to ultimately—deliver therapeutics.

The successful research scientist goes into detail about cellular environments and discusses stability issues in regard to EVs. Willms explains biodistribution in lab studies and the possible lifespan of EVs, discussing the importance of understanding how long they can perform duties. And Willms talks further about what they have witnessed in certain
populations of vesicles, and all the many possibilities, with a discussion of organelles and

In this podcast:

How are extracellular vesicles important?
Can EVs be used to deliver therapeutics successfully?
How and why cells communicate?

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