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Do your gums bleed from time to time? If so, you’re not alone: 80 percent of people have gum disease despite their best efforts to maintain good oral health. Many of us don’t think this is a big deal, especially since it’s so common, but after listening to today’s episode, you may change your mind. Dr. James Hyland, DDS, President and CEO of OraVital, explains why traditional flossing and brushing aren’t doing nearly enough to prevent gum disease, and how gum disease can lead to fatal systemic illnesses. He also discusses the science behind bad breath, and why it should be seen as much more than a source of social embarrassment.

  • How bleeding gums can lead to the formation of plaque in the brain, which is associated with Alzheimer’s and other potentially fatal diseases
  • Why brushing and flossing in the traditional way cannot prevent or eliminate infection in the mouth or periodontal disease
  • What Dr. Hyland recommends as the most effective treatment for gum disease (it’s surprisingly simple)

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