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With a background in physics and medicine, and as Chair of Biomechanics at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Veronika Kralj-Iglic, PhD says that her foremost interest is in understanding the function of extracellular vesicles (EVs). “It is a thing that is on the border of the living and inorganic matter…and most of the questions are still unanswered,” she says.

It is this, coupled with what she sees as great promise for the future of medicine, that compels her to study EVs. However, she is more than aware of the challenges which stand stubbornly in the way.

Tune in to learn about what they are and so much more, including:

  • The details of two clinical trials involving EVs that Dr. Kralj-Iglic is currently working on
  • How cells have the ability to use parts of their cell membrane to create vesicles that help catalyze their actions
  • How the behavior of EVs is similar to artificial and biological membranes
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