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According to a report produced by the Alzheimer’s Association last year, early detection of dementia in the US could potentially save over seven trillion dollars over the lifetime of all the individuals who are eventually diagnosed with dementia. How? By delaying their entry into residential care.

The team at Cognetivity has developed a testing platform with a very simple yet effective premise, which is to show people images for a short period of time and then ask them about the content of those images. The test can be administered on an iPad or mobile phone and is used as a screening method for changes in cognition that occur 10 to 15 years before most people receive a diagnosis for dementia. By detecting such small changes in cognitive competencies, the test can identify warning signs for dementia before it’s too late for intervention to help, such as behavioral and lifestyle changes, mental exercises, and some medications that can treat symptoms that arise during different stages of the disease. Ultimately, this will extend the functional lives of individuals with the disease and delay their need for residential care.

As Cognetivity’s data set continues to grow, they will be using AI tools to improve the training of the platform, analyze the patterns of responses, and predict how a patient is likely to progress.

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