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In this podcast, Charlotte Reznick, Ph.D., noted child educational psychologist, talks in-depth about meditation and mindfulness and how we can all find ways to reduce our stress.

Dr. Reznick has 30 years of experience in meditation. And as the creator of a positive coping skills, mindful awareness program known as, Imagery For Kids: Breakthrough for Learning, Creativity, and Empowerment, she is transforming the ways we cope with and manage our anxiety. Dr. Reznick is one of the most celebrated voices on mindfulness, meditation, and imagination creation.

Dr. Reznick discusses her education, experience, and her motivation to develop programs to help people find healthy ways of coping with life’s stressors. She is a noted specialist in child and teen mindfulness and meditation. Dr. Reznick discusses her imagination and meditation programs and how they can help kids access their inner wisdom by utilizing their own creative imagination.

Dr. Reznick provides case studies and examples of brain/body meditation and the imagination work that can provide amazing transformations. Dr. Reznick states that the source of fear is occasionally known, but often we don’t know where it’s coming from, and she explains how the imagination work can help young people find ways to relax, decrease anxiety, and sleep better.

Today there are many more complications in life with technology and all that it brings, and it can all accelerate stress and anxiety. Dr. Reznick talks about texting and social media, and the emotions that we receive and send in exchanges. Dr. Reznick talks about the kinds of teaching she provides and the tools she uses to help people lead healthier lives, as well as find joy and success via change and growth solutions.

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