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This podcast explores “building biology.” Jabour makes sense of:

  • How physical health and electrical systems in our homes are intertwined, including types of light bulbs to how we connect to the internet.
  • Why EMF pollution (electromotive forces) and electromagnetic radiation dangers make a difference in how well we sleep and in our ability to feel relaxed.
  • How we can solve some of these issues with everything from special paints to hard-wiring and returning to Ethernet cables.

Diana Jabour, Environmental and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist and owner of Jabour Environmental, wants her clients to take charge of their electronic surroundings. Her mother inspired her with progressive life choices base on research. Jabour modeled her life’s work on her mother’s lessons and continues combining research with common sense.

After building their own home, Jabour observed her family suffering various symptoms. She began investigating causes and learned about the Building Biology Institute in Santa Fe, which she then attended. She already had a solid understanding of harm from wireless systems, but her connection to the institute added depth to her knowledge of EMF pollution and electromagnetic radiation dangers.

She tells listeners about the four categories building biologists focus on: air quality, water quality, lighting quality, and electromagnetic fields. 

But Jabour asserts that it is possible to mitigate these dangers and she describes the process, from ways we can move our sleep area electric fields close to zero to asserting that “anything that says ‘smart’ is stupid.” She offers detailed ways to relieve our homes from EMF pollution and electromagnetic radiation dangers.

Finally, she details her process for her clients and describes typical problems and solutions.

For more about these issues, see her company’s web site at

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