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Robin Bannister, Ph.D. had spent his professional life trying to understand the true nature of thousands of pharmaceuticals, including old ones which might be repurposed for the treatment of a number of diseases. When his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and it became metastatic in 2010, he knew he had to do something. There was no time to waste in trying to locate a drug which might extend her life, and he knew he didn’t have time to develop a new one. This was when he founded Care Oncology Clinic.

Using what he’d learned about the great potential of repurposed drugs, he dove further into his work, narrowing down the list of 5,000 or so drugs that currently exist to a short, manageable list of drugs that are well-tolerated and associated with few side effects. In doing so, he identified drugs that make it difficult for cancer cells to survive in hostile environments and limit their defensive powers by limiting their energy source. In today’s podcast, you will discover:

  • What an efflux pump is and how exactly it’s used by cancer cells
  • How the Care Oncology protocol utilizes an understanding of the Warburg effect to its advantage in treating patients
  • Why the standard of care is not perfect, but often has a part to play in the treatment of cancer

Learn more by visiting the Care Oncology USA website at


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