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Bio: Dr. Trevor Cates is founder and owner of The Spa Dr. and author of the bestselling book Clean Skin From Within. She was the first woman licensed as a naturopathic doctor in California and currently lives in Park City, Utah where she helps patients from around the world achieve graceful aging and glowing skin. Dr. Cates is host of The Spa Dr. weekly podcast and has her own PBS special, Younger Skin From Within. She believes the key to healthy skin is inner and outer nourishment with non-toxic ingredients. Dr. Cates’ The Spa Dr. skin care and supplement lines are formulated with natural and organic ingredients designed to help you achieve the clean and natural path to confidence and beautiful skin.

“Skin is an outer reflection of what’s going on inside the body, and oftentimes it’s the first sign that something is out of balance in the body, so instead of ignoring or covering up those signs, I’m encouraging people to look at those signs as something to pay attention to, because if you can address and find the root causes behind that, you’re not only going to have vibrant, healthy looking skin, but you’re also going to prevent or address other health issues that could have similar root causes,” explains Dr. Trevor Cates, well-regarded naturopathic doctor, founder of The Spa Doctor, and author of Clean Skin from Within: The Spa Doctor’s Two-Week Program to Glowing, Naturally Youthful Skin.

She encourages people to use their skin as a guide toward uncovering the truths about their overall and internal health and explains the six root causes of skin issues: nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, gut, and digestive problems, blood sugar issues, oxidative damage, and inflammation. By addressing skin issues early on, the root causes can be identified and addressed, which will likely fix internal problems that a person may not have even known existed.

Curious what might be causing your skin issues? Take Dr. Cates’ free online quiz at and check out her book at—all you pay is shipping and handling.

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