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Animal models for drug development and scientific research are well-known for having drawbacks and an unavoidable level of unreliability. However, for a long time now they’ve also been regarded as the best option out there for testing new drugs, understanding human anatomy and physiology, and modeling diseases. Nortis is a private company that could very well change this entirely, transforming the way research and drug development are carried out. Their device is about the size of a credit card and composed of microfluidic channels that connect to a chamber in which 3D tissue-engineered organ structures are built, studied, and tested. For example, the team at Nortis has engineered the proximal tubules of the kidneys using human cells, zooming in on their function and response to different environmental influences, such as increased fluid flow which is controlled with precision in the device, and the introduction of new drugs.

Nortis’ technology is allowing scientists to get a closer-than-ever look at the different functions of this incredibly complex organ, but it’s also allowing for the study of a multitude of other tissue-engineered structures, including heart tissue and vessels, and the blood-brain barrier. Dr. Neumann is the CEO of Nortis, and in today’s episode, he provides an in-depth look into the science behind this technology and the potential it holds.

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