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In this podcast, Edward Sawicki Jr., MBA, the CEO of Think20 Labs, LLC (, talks about cannabis research and what it holds for the future of medicine.

Sawicki is an outspoken cannabis advocate who is bringing scientific research and education together to demonstrate the enormous benefits of cannabis to the medical world. Sawicki has extensive experience in biotech as he has been heavily involved with lab design for DNA-sequencing labs, molecular biology labs, and more.

Sawicki discusses his background, molecular development, and the future of cannabis. As he states, Think20 Labs is involved in much more than basic compliance testing; their work includes sequencing of DNA, epigenetics, and voluminous research, as well as project design.

Sawicki expounds upon the many ways that cannabis can push medicine forward and how full legalization is critically important in order to fully expand research and ensure safety of product. Sawicki discusses the many local growers they work with, and the data that they are continually collecting in regard to plants and soil conditions. Currently, safety for consumers, as well as compliance, are two of their most important issues. Sawicki talks about black market products, and their dangers, and how expanded legalization, with standards, will improve safety for all involved.

Additionally, Sawicki discusses the important research into epigenomic and RNA profiles that can help them find correlations, and inform researchers about what they need to learn, and how to approach experimentation, testing, and learning.

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