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Dr. William B. Miller Jr. became a doctor during a time when medicine was much more hands-on in nature than it is today, a time when the diagnosis of appendicitis was made of the basis of palpation and a set of physical signs a new doctor wouldn’t even know, a time when exploratory laparotomies were the norm. So, when the advent of diagnostic imaging came along, such as computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound, Dr. Miller was impressed by and compelled to learn more about its advantages and capabilities—so much so that he decided to specialize in radiology.

As a radiologist, Dr. Miller began appreciating the reliability of disease patterns in different modes of imaging. For example, certain infectious diseases and microbes reliably caused specific patterns in certain organs, and he began to wonder why that was the case. This is the thought process that led him to develop an interest in evolutionary biology. He has since explored evolutionary biology, authored The Microcosm Within: Evolution and Extinction in the Hologenome, and given many lectures on the new science of the hologenome and the impact of the microbiome on evolutionary development.

Dr. Miller joins the podcast to discusses the hologenome theory of evolution, which is based on the idea that all multicellular organisms should not be seen as independent from their symbiotic microbes but as part of a system that contains them. He also discusses cancer as an infectious disease and how this is evidenced by radiographic interpretation, fractal reiteration, the microbiome and the role of microbes in growth and development, appetite, metabolism, human behavior, and mate selection, how immunology might be a cause or driving factor of evolution rather than just a subject of it, and many other topics. He is a wealth of knowledge who makes for a fascinating conversation, and you’re bound to learn from it. Tune in, visit, and check out his book on Amazon or in the stores.

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